Mobilization- wrist

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In this post I’m going to show you a mobilization for the wrist. To do it you’re going to need some elastic tubing/resistance band or a strap that someone else can hold for you.

The whole goal of this mob (mobilization) is to use the strap to glide the radius and ulna (forearm bones) so that you can open up the joint space between them and the carpal bones in the wrist.

Key Points:

1) Place your palm on the floor with the resistance band about one inch above the crease of the wrist. You’re going to want a good amount of resistance on the tubing/band (enough that it feels like your arm would be pulled back if you let go). From here, straighten your elbow and then lean forward over your wrist. See the video below for full details and demonstration.

2) Keep your elbow straight at all times.

3) This is not a traditional stretch. No hold time is required. Go for reps instead. 10-20 will do the trick. If you hit a pain point/strong stretch, stop there, hold for 1 second, and then repeat for the remainder of the reps. You don’t need to be a tough guy. You want this stuff to be repeatable.

4) Follow up with ice if you are hitting any sore/painful points. 10-15 minutes is plenty.


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